
留学专业联盟|化学专业留学2013年09月17日 14:23


overall GPA 3.47,rank 21/145;major GPA 3.61;TOEFL 55/68/61/4.5(2001.10.20), 55/64/62/4.0(2002.08.24);GRE 510/620/800(2002.2.25),640/710/800(2002.7.31);TSE 40(2002.5.11)SUB 81% (2002.11.9)
Statement of Purpose
I love the feeling of being challenged, especially the joy of competition, that is why I resign from Ph. D. study in our department without entranceexamination and choose to continue my graduate study in the USA, where Ican surmount difficulties and hardships under a totally different, exitingnew circumstance. I have been trying my best to be successful through allmy life, desiring to achieve something original and creative, and makingamazingly rapid progress beyond anticipation. Obstacles in my life, formy part, are such great fortunes that I can keep calm in hard times and makeout efficient solutions when facing emergency.
Another special reason is that I am so fond of this intriguing particularfield of science--chemistry. Through four years' systematic study I havemastered the fundamental methods of research and the basic knowledge ofchemistry. More importantly, I have my own opinion on chemistry, a branchof science that tries to understand the properties of substances and thechanges that substances undergo. Inorganic chemistry and organic chemistryconcentrate on the composition, structures, properties and reactions ofsubstances. Analytical chemistry focuses on the content, composition,structures, and other information using varieties of analytical methods andinstruments. And my particular interest, physical chemistry, explains these on atheoreticallevel.
The vice-director of our department, Jing Lu, a renowned expert incomputationalchemistry, kindled my intense interest in physical chemistry. The succinctbut meaningful shordinger equation in quantum mechanics impresses me deeplyand I have immersed myself in the conciseness of quantum mechanicscompletely, studying in classes attentively and discussing with classmatesenthusiastically. I frequented the library to refer to some professional journals andperiodicalsto broaden my ken as well as keep abreast of the latest development in thisfield by attending lectures presented by academic masters.
Because of my deep interest in air pollution control, during my third yearI joined the research group of Professor Mingfei Zhou, who is one of themost distinguished experts in my department, and there I read plenty ofarticles, learned to write reports, as well as participated in the researchwork on matrix isolation. The first time to use FT-IR and laser wasunforgettable, and my project was to do the matrix isolation FTIR and theoreticalcalculationstudy on the reaction of laser ablated Be atom with molecular oxygen (O2) 10 K argon. With the help of 18O isotope substitution technique, wesuccessfullydetected the isolated ions BeO2+ and BeO2-, which was not reported before. Theoretical calculations based on DFT was also performed but areanomalouslynot consistent with our experiment results, we are now trying to solve theproblem using the ab initio computing methods such as MP2 and CCSD(T). Forthe similar experiment previously done by Lester Andrews first reportingthe rare gas complex ArBeO, we are more interested in the existence ofargonbonded cation ArBeO2+, so further experiments under low temperature Ne andXe matrices as well as correlative theoretical studies will going on.Anotherproject was to investigate the reaction of Chromium Chloride withunsaturatedsmall organic molecules such as alkene, alkyne and alkadiene. There is adebate of this reaction. K. B. Sharpless favored the [2+2] metallaoxetanetransition state structure while DFT calculation provided by T. Zieglerpreferred to [3+2] cycloadditon pathway and similar theoretical calculationdone by J. M. Mayer on the reaction of alkene with WO3 indicated theradicalmechanism. Through investigation of a large amount of articles I putforwardthe assumption of radical mechanism in photochemical reaction, which waslater proved by C. Limberg. But the reaction in the liquid phase, probablyundergoing cycloadditon pathway, is still indefinite and requires furtherresearch work.
Two years of research experience made me realize the insufficiency of onlydoing experiments and the significance of data results analysis, which ismuch more difficult and vital. So I began to learn by myself computationalchemistry based on Gaussian 98, which is of great help for absorptionassignment. And we performed investigation on the B6 clusters system including bareneutral, cationic, anionic, and dianion B6 clusters using (DFT) with regard
to their geometry properties, electronic stability, and aromatic character. Though the research work is said to be dull, tedious, or tough, I feeltruly excited at each unexpected discovery, the joy of which becomes thedrive and momentum of my work. Lack of the information provided by Ramanspectra, our tentative plan of completing several systems could not berealized, but I read books about Brillouin and Raman scattering for the reason,whichbrought me to a new horizon of learning. I am glad that our work hasestablishedan essential foundation for the development of a large project that is onthe reduction of exhaust gases in air pollution.
The idea of never being satisfied with what I have learned presentlyencouragesme to achieve far beyond anticipation and in the future I expect to furthermy education and research work in the US to broaden my ken. Both in andout of the classroom, the physical chemistry program at Boston Universityoffers me an ideal environment to continue my study. It provides acompetitiveand inspiring academic atmosphere, the chance for active and fruitfulresearch, the access to state-of-the-art facilities, and close interaction between  students and its distinguished faculty. The research programPhotochemistryand Photonics is a demanding field needing frontier knowledge of physical, analytical, and inorganic chemistry, and I am confident to thrive in thisenvironment. I am looking forward to Boston University becoming my future.
刚才看到goabroad有6.24 7.2 7.3的checkee接到电话,我的7.7check也快了吧:P--
No reply:Purdue,CMU
Rejection:GIT,Georgetown,MSU,Tufts,SUNY-SB,WUStL,TAMU,Duke,Columbia,UCSF, Rice,Brandies,Brown,UMich,OSU,Dartmouth,UCR,CWRU
1.30,大年三十,早上起来看见twp jj发帖子说BU的offer到了,马上去看自己的邮箱,我的邮箱里也有offer,总算可以抱着offer过年了^_^
寒假刚刚过去,CUNY的教授来信给我介绍他的研究,当时没怎么想就说自己很感兴趣,以后就没有消息了,直到3.25左右CUNY化学系寄来了offer letter,4.8寄来了I-20,没有预感的offer……
9:05手机响了被面试又是偷袭,我ft当时抱着一个泵正要去清洗满手是泵油掀开手机对方头一句就是May I speak to Mr ... ?紧张ing支支吾吾的说了两句幸好手机信号差,国际长途听不清1就挂了电话打到实验室了还好1说不要紧张,放松下面就是聊天问题如下:1本科生还是研究生2简要介绍自己的研究3是不是考了TSE(回答没考,1又问为什么不考,ft,40的TSE能见人吗?)4是不是已经有offer了(能说有吗?)5是不是有UMich的面试(天哪,1信息很灵通嘛,我的UMich呀,还没给我面试通知)
补充:本来打到寝室,我不在,感谢bobleaf把我的手机号告诉面试教授,bg伊是少不了的UArizona Chem:P
不出所料,两天后UArizona的offer来了,这个学校12月底就听说有offer发出,估计是那种如果前面有人拒了就从后面的waiting list替补的学校,这一点不同于OSU,OSU自从offer全被系里的大牛拒掉之后就再也没有offer发给中国人。
后来就是听说MSU发offer了,总共发了3个,要求3.15前必须答复,deng大概就是那时候确定的吧。后来听说几位大牛如icesnow和ry jj拿到了priceton,kunchong和vicente拿到了Uchicago,还有两个基地班的Winscosin-Madison。另外UMich来了三个教授到化学系宣讲。UMich也是很nice的学校,后来给了这里好像是5个offer。其他的SUNY-SB给了大概3个,也是很友好的学校,VT给了两个,Emory两个,NYU两个,TAMU两个,Rochester,ISU,UCR,UCD,UCSB,Purdue,GIT,RPI,UWashington,JHU,应该都只有一个offer。lakewater的NYU,arrowroot的UNC-CH都是很不错的学校,我envy一下。
3月底是WUStL的面试,在和平饭店,两个教授,一个考察口语和研究兴趣,另一个考察专业词汇,朗读一段课本中节选的文章,说出大致意思,同时还问了一些关于研究的问题,问得很细致。然后就是……我被拒了……,给了化学系两个offer,高分子一个offer。4.10Brandeis告诉我在waiting list上,douya也是,4.15的时候douya拿到了Brandeis,ft早不来。后来还是有同学去brandies的。还有Indiana U-Bloomington在4.15以后给了两个offer。


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